Short Stories

Ashley was pleased to be a part of the Western Maryland Writers Group. She recommends the writers group atmosphere to everyone and will forever be motivated by the members.

Find Ashley’s short story “Born to Stub” in the Western Maryland Writers Group Anthology 2015. The story was inspired by Ashley’s experience training for a half marathon on the Western Maryland Rail Trail.

photo by Sharon Poffinberger

Find Ashley’s short story “Elaty Riaf” in the Western Maryland Writers Group Anthology 2016, or the digital version. The story was inspired by Ashley’s experiences in long-term care.

Western Maryland anthology-cover-2016
photo by Sharon Poffinberger

Find Ashley’s newest short story “Keep it Straightforward, Simpleton” online for purchase or borrow. The story is a prequel to her new book series with a bonfire theme.Keep it Straightforward, Simpleton coverCheck out this video and get excited about this short story.